Messages to Ronda

If you have a brief message for OUR champion that you would like featured on this page, email it to

Ronda you have been a inspiration to be ever since I saw you in Strikeforce. You have shown determination, (how not to be a D.N.B) and how women can kick some serious as$. Not only that but I learned how to take no bs from anyone and to follow my dreams. When I read your book I felt I learned how your private fight at a young age has made you a woman who has inspired millions. I actually will be starting to take Judo classes very soon and it’s all because of you, my all time favorite fighter. Thank you for showing me how to never give up and anything is possible. Armbar Nation forever!! 💪💪 P.S I would love to meet you one day, your biggest fan.
Kira Lane.

PhotoGrid_1485736282956.pngHi my name is Zoey Hahn. I am 12 years old I’ve done MMA my entire lifeand because of Ronda, I didn’t give up! It was because of Ronda I started fighting.It is because of Ronda, I am who I am. I am a two time world champion kickboxer. I am 3rd in the World in Jujitsu. My Jujitsu record is 14-4 and my kickboxing record is 2-1.  I also have a kickboxing fight coming up against a 15 year old. Ronda inspires me because she never gives up She keeps going no matter what.





My name is Katie Drake, I am 23 from Dayton Ohio. I am a huge fan of Ronda Rousey. I love everything about her and I’ve watched all of her fights. I especially loved reading her book, I clicked a lot with her personally and emotionally.

I started Krav Maga a year ago and I fell in love with fighting and decided to take it to different level with Jiu-jitsu and boxing. I didn’t think I would fall in love with both of those so fast but I did. Something about submissions and punching people in the face really intrigued me. (haha)

I’ve been involved with sports since I was 5 years old and when it comes to working hard I tend to put everything I have into succeeding with whatever sport I choose. I was always teased in school for being too athletic, or having man arms. I hated it.

I thought that maybe I should just do what girls usually do and become a cheerleader or just watch.. I was always a super tomboy growing up, always wanting to hang out with the guys and I hated dressing up.

I plan to work my way up to UFC one day. I love that Ronda opened the doors for women to fight, I have so much respect for her and she is such a huge inspiration for me to continue to work hard and not give up on my dreams. I hope to meet her one day that way she can sign my book, My Fight/Your Fight. There is so much to say to somebody that you idolize beyond Ronda’s career as a fighter. I know what it feels like to not give your best performance in something especially something that you’ve worked so hard for. All I really want to say to you is don’t give up, keep trying, keep working hard because we all love you and we want to see more of you.

Thank you for being that person who I can relate to in a lot of things, you encourage me to stay confident and believe in myself, you really shined a light on reasons why I fight. You’re amazing, keep being the best!!

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Dearest Ronda,

Hopefully you received my letter last year. Watching you win in 14 seconds against Cat Zingano changed everything for me. I think I read your life story and watched/listened to a ton of your interviews right after that moment. I Googled and Youtubed everything about you because that fight just captivated me.

After UFC 184, I thought to myself “Who is this Rowdy Ronda Rousey?” I really understood more once I read, “My Fight, Your Fight.” As I read it, I realized we had some similarities, which made it even more personal to me.

I have always dealt with insecurities growing up. I wanted to take Martial Arts as a young girl, but I believe my parents did not think that it was feminine enough. I slowly gained confidence as I became older. As you defended your championship time after time, I saw you as this total badass in and out of the octagon. You do prove that Strong is Beautiful. You can be feminine and still be able to throw it down with the guys/gals. Yes, I was even inspired to take up judo because of you.

I plan on making my own return this year and maybe compete. Wish me luck! One quote that sticks to me continuously is that,

“No one has the right to beat you.”

I go by that in my daily life. Sometimes it is hard to drown the noise of everyone, but what do they know?  As you stated,

“The only power people have over you is the power you give them.”

Honestly, your real fans understood your media blackout. I got you! We stood by every decision you made. I flew to Vegas for your return and met other Armbar Nation fam. We showed one another our pride in wearing your gear. One fan handed me a bracelet that had your name and “Armbar Nation” on it. The bond between your fans is like no other. I sat in the crowd and heard all the cheers for you. We stood up and cheered as you walked out to “Bad Reputation”. We are here for YOU. Belt or no belt, you are still the CHAMP… OUR CHAMP!

My fandom evolved from being amazed by one of the fastest submissions in the UFC to knowing the person behind that fastest submission, which is even more amazing. You are a fighter, daughter, sister, aunt, girlfriend, & inspiration to all of us. I truly hope this is not the end of your story in the Octagon and that you follow-up with that comeback book. If it is the end of your fighting career, your story still doesn’t end. It’s just that a new story that must be written. Armbar Nation stands with you. Always,ES.



received_10202553019463572 (1).jpegRonda has helped me a lot I’m my MMA career. She has shown all those sexist people how girls really can kick ass.  She’s a tough chick who has a passion for fighting.  She taught me to be brave and to stand up for myself.  When I was close to quitting, I tweeted her and she gave me some motivational words to keep me going.  She taught me to never give up. She’s an amazing example of what the female sex is, She taught girls all over the world not to let anyone call you weak
just because you’re a girl.  I’ll always be a Ronda Rousey fan.  I want her to know that I think she is outstanding.  I think she is a true inspiration, and I’ll always be a Ronda Rousey fan. 🙂

“Ronda is the one who lifted me off the ground even though I was far away. It was the one who encouraged me, even without knowing it, to lift my head and continue. She was the woman who appeared in my dreams and said that everything would be all right, that it was all a matter of time and that life was preparing me for the best. She showed me that better days would come and that, no matter how bad the pain of losing a loved one, it strengthens us. Thank you for everything, RRR ❤” – Tamy Pichioni, from Brazil.

Ronda, you are a champion in more ways than one. You are a pioneer for women’s MMA but you are also a pioneer for women’s empowerment! You are so real and down to earth, you say things as they are…no bullsh*t, it’s so refreshing! It has given me the confidence to know that I am enough, I am smart, I am beautiful and I am worth it. I recently lost 7kg and you were my motivation 100% and will continue to be my motivation, so thankyou, thankyou, thankyou for being you and doing everything you do. You will always be the person I look up to with such a huge amount of admiration and respect. I hope you know that you have so many people cheering for you and supporting you in whatever you do, always. We are all on this journey with you, the ups…the downs and the inbetweens. You have nothing to prove. FTA. Always our champ!Aus After.jpg

Ronda is such in inspiration to women! I’m 39 years old and compete in Taekwondo. Ronda inspires me to work hard and believe in myself. I win some and I lose some but I always get back to the gym to work on getting better.  I will always be thankful for what she has accomplished but also how she has inspired me personally! Ronda fan always!IMG_1946.JPG

IMG_20161231_100354_248.jpgHello, my name is Cris Fonseca. I’m Brazilian and I’m 24. Some time ago I read an article about you on a website. I didn’t know you. I couldn’t believe you were a fighter.
In my country, you was too beautiful to be an MMA fighter. Unfortunately, stereotypes exist. When I was younger I liked to play sports but people made fun of me (because sport is a man thing) so I stopped doing what I loved to do.  I was bullied at school, I stopped practice sports, I took refuge in the food and put on weight.
Then I watched your fight. You became my inspiration.  16 months ago I decided to return to sport. I enrolled in a Muay Thai class.  For a long time I didn’t feel like that! I’d forgotten how much the sport made me happy.  In each workout you were there. In every fight I thought “What would Ronda do?”.  For some reason they nicknamed me “Ronda”.
Last year you fought with Holly Holm and unfortunately you lost.  But I had to tell you because of you, that same day, I did my first degree and I won my first prajeat (I was with the knee and ankle injury but I didn’t give up).  I’m on my third degree right now.
I owe it to God and to you.  I decided to start fighting at 23 years old. It’s a little late?  Maybe. But I learned that no one should tell me what I should not do.  If I want to fight, I will fight! Life has a constant fight and what I do on tatami is an expression of life. Tatami is the extension of what we call survival.
I’m sorry you didn’t win. But win is not the most important thing. What is really important is what you represent for us! Is how many people you can inspire. How many girls around the world who were inspired by you to leave their fears behind and do what they love to do. I’m praying for you. I thank you for inspiring me.
You did a lot for me and you don’t even know me. But thank you Ronda Rousey!
God bless you!
Argentina.jpgRonda changed my life in every aspect. I love her. I respect her. She is an inspiration in my life as a judoka and an athlete. I am from Tucuman, Argentina. If Ronda her mom AnnMaria could see this, I would be so happy. They are both my idols and one of my biggest dreams would be to meet Ronda and sign my book My Fight/Your Fight. Soon I’m going to tattoo, an image in honor of her. I am a huge fan. Thanks Armbar Nation for being a great support and connection between fans and Ronda.  Thank you very much for your attention,
Yamila Esber

image1.jpegMy name is Heather Bell I’m 15 years old and Ronda Rousey is my hero! I get bullied at school for being a girl who likes the sport of MMA. Ronda Rousey has always been my inspiration to keep going. The bullying got so bad that I almost did something really stupid. Ronda Rousey saved me with her words and her confidence. On the worst days I could come home and watch her and everything would be better. I want to follow in her footsteps and show everybody that doesn’t believe I can do it that they are wrong. Ronda Rousey is my guardian angel and she’s my camp forever and always!

I wish I could meet you in person to tell you how much you mean to me, Ronda, but even if I never do I can promise you two things; You’ll always be the most important person in women’s MMA history, and I’ll never stop supporting you and being your fan no matter what. I’m right there with you and you take care of yourself,

Jonathan Lechan

We are your fans not only because of your blazing victories and fighting skills but also because of your great spirit, passion, iron will and determination. We are your fans because of your brave heart full of kindness and generosity. We are standing by your site in good and bad because we love you. You’ll never walk alone.
Your fan from Bulgaria,
I will always think of you as the most bad ass woman that has ever lived. It doesn’t matter how many losses I will always be on your side. Just know you k don’t need to win to keep the true fans you have . I love you Ronda always ……Allison

Hi I’m just writing this hoping that one day Ronda will read it.
First time that I heard your name was for the promotion of your first UFC  fight with Liz, since day one I start following you on Facebook when you only had around 25,000 people following you now years later you have 11 million people, I imagine how overwhelming that can be. I just want to say I been watching every one of your fights I even went to see your fight in LA with Cat, read your book, watch all your interviews and always love you! No matter what you are such and inspiration and NO ONE can take that away from you! your real fans like me will always be proud of you and we will stand by your side if you want to come back or decide to do something else. And also you need to know that people in Puerto Rico we love you!! every time you fight places get pack of people to see you in action. This two losses are been hard for you and hard for us and you know why? Because is heartbreaking to see your down… Ronda you should keep your head up high because thanks to you today girls can fight in the UFC and you did that! You made that possible you turn the tables.  You have the love of millions and we are standing by your side always!

Ronda all the Way! ❤️

Your fan
Zeidie O.

Dear Ronda,

When an ex-roommate of mine died by suicide 3 weeks into a tough semester at school, I took it upon myself to learn more about you leading up to the Zingano fight during the same semester. I found out what motivates you to be the best at what your does, and I cried when I discovered so many parallels between your life and mine, from bitter loss both in and out of athletics, to picking ourselves back up and proving the naysayers wrong. I broke down numerous times while reading your book, and have since read it multiple times.

Ronda, wherever you are, I hope you know that you and your story helped somebody, who has never met you (though would love to), through the lowest points of depression and PTSD. You are always a true champion because of the way you fight in all aspects of life and I take an enormous amount of inspiration from that. Thank you so much for all you do and for being there as somebody I look up to every day I’m reminded about the most difficult time of my life so far.
Your fan,

While I read Ronda’s book, I broke down constantly and got very emotional because I realized that we all have something in us, that can keep us fighting no matter what. Ronda had paved the way for many things, and has left her everlasting impression in all of us. Ronda represents the true meaning of “The Perfect Storm”. Through ups and downs, win or lose-you are still my champ!!Thank you for motivating me to become a stronger and better person. You are my hero Ronda!!

Your biggest fan, Loreta


I’d heard a while back that after you lost your last fight that you were very depressed, and possibly even suicidal. I don’t know if that is true, but it stuck with me. When I saw your last fight this past December, I remembered it again. You don’t know me, and I’m sure there are many people around you offering encouragement, but I wanted to add mine, too. You have accomplished great things in your life, and you have many things to be proud of. Losing a fight… shake it off an move on.

I don’t know why I feel compelled to send this, but I think we should try to encourage one another when we have a chance. I’ve felt led to do this. I hope it finds you, and I hope it helps.

In Christ,

Bryan Mills

My name is Regina. I’m from Russia. When I saw Ronda for the first time, I thought that she was cool and strong. Then I decided to watch her fights. I spent two hours watching her fights and interviews. This two hours changed me. I understood that somewhere in the world there was a strong woman who can do everything. And then an amazing thought came to my mind. I can be as strong and beautiful as she is. This is why I am a fan of Ronda. And this is why I am more than a fan. She gave me( and many women) hope that we are important. I was not the best student at school, so I decided to cope with all the difficulties in Ronda’s style.
Hard work gave the result. Now I have a gold medal for my study. I also train a lot. Because of her. Of the Champion.
Ronda, i want you to now that you helped many women believe in themselves and never give up. You are a champion of my heart. Nothing will change it.  – Regina, from Russia
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“This is The Rousey Effect in our lives and soon I will join her.  Thank you Ronda.” – Kelly


I’m Emma. I’m 14 and I train Judo and BJJ.  Don’t worry Ronda.  No women would be in the UFC if you didn’t page the road for them.  Be proud and thank you for helping me to not turn into a DNB! A lot of former friends are going that way.  I’m not. Because of you (and my dad). Thank you.  I’m working hard and hopefully I can meet you one day and be able to bring you back a belt. 100% Love.

Dear Ronda,
The Armbar Nation that I follow said this message would get to you. First and foremost  your fans (me) love you. I am not one of the young girls that you have greatly inspired. I am a 52 year old man with a heart that you have touched. I have seen every fight and read your book. So how did you grab my heart? My father too committed suicide. I have done everything possible to be the best at everything I have done, including straight A’s all the way through an MBA. You see, I know what falling does to a person with depression. Getting back up especially while people on social media keep saying things that your mind will not let go of. They are ignorant people who don’t think about the person that did so well is a real person and depression is not a choice. I loved your come back, you as a person, and Travis for sticking by your side. The people who loved you when you were undefeated, love you more now and feel your broken heart  because our hearts broke too. If you decide to continue to fight, go back to your roots because nobody could beat you. Don’t try to be like them, be like you. Either way, I will be rooting for the little girl inside you! #RespectForeverRousy
Your fan for life,